Warranty tickets can be difficult to handle


As part of a comprehensive amendment to the warranty policy, an electronic warranty card will be introduced in addition to the paper one from 2021. If its content complies with all relevant regulations, we can repair defective products with an electronic invoice that will be can be downloaded to a phone or mobile application, announced the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM).

The warranty card is essential for handling consumer complaints, and we currently receive a paper-only document at the time of purchase. With the complete renewal of the related regulations, the seller of the product can also deliver the warranty card electronically from January. The electronic guarantee card can be sent to the customer by email, as a downloadable document, through an app, or even sent to a user account registered on the merchant’s website, writes the wallet.

The customer must receive it no later than the day after the product is delivered or put into service. The company is obliged to deliver the warranty card in a form that ensures the readability of its content until the end of the warranty period. Therefore, if the electronic warranty ticket is not directly, but p. Eg app or downloadable from online interface, must be available until the end of the warranty period.

The minimum content elements of the warranty card are detailed in the legislation. Electronic warranty cards must also include the name and address of the distributor, if different from the distributor, the name and address of the manufacturer, the name and type of product that can be identified and, if available, the number of Serie. Accurate recording of the date of purchase or commissioning is essential for the start of the warranty period. The consumer’s rights under the warranty, the time limit, the place and the conditions to enforce them must also be described. It should also be borne in mind that in the event of a dispute, consumers can initiate proceedings before the county or metropolitan conciliation bodies to resolve it amicably. As of 2021, a new requirement is that the guarantee card must include the company stamp and the signature of whoever acts on its behalf during the exhibition, and in the case of electronic delivery, the electronic signature.

Due to the introduction of the warranty period with bands, special care must be taken to ensure that the warranty card always includes the warranty period applicable to the product, which can be one, two or three years from January 1, depending on the sale price. Although it is not required by law, it is advisable to indicate the purchase price for the same reason. In-band warranty compliance is aided by established market practice of merchants attaching a block or invoice to the warranty card.

The use of an electronic guarantee card is not mandatory, companies can choose to continue issuing only one paper document. The benefits of the new option are, of course, easy to see: it simplifies administration, reduces printing and materials costs for businesses. It is even easier for merchants that, in the future, an electronically submitted invoice could also be a guarantee card if its content complies in all respects with the relevant regulations.

Buyers don’t have to keep paper warranty cards for years, and in the event of a product failure, they don’t have to walk the entire apartment because they can quickly pick them up from their phone or email account. Thanks to electronic submission at the time of purchase, you don’t have to queue for customer service after checkout to stamp your warranty card.
