The PDSZ was stunned by the lies and wrote an open letter to Viktor Orbán


The Democratic Union of Teachers, in addition to the first winter break, demands that the income lost due to the epidemic be paid immediately.

The Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) on the Do Not Work website reported that teachers were already fed up with lies about 100% sick pay. In addition to the passionate writing, payment transfers were presented that disproved the government’s promises. The PDSZ indicated that there were a lot of sick teachers, so there was an incredible amount of overtime for the others. And the government

he does not value those who work in education so much that he says to their eyes: IT WILL BE BAD FOR YOU BECAUSE THERE WILL BE NO MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS!
He prefers to lie. You lie that you are spending 100% of the money. You only need to sleep a few and it will be easier to apply! (…)

You got sick? Kovidos? Well, that’s how it went. (…) RESOLVE FROM 60%! How did you not get it? You lie! Soros! It has arrived, you just can’t see it! Everyone will get it! The prime minister also promised, in his own language!

The PDSZ was aware that the government’s promises were being refuted by the SMS that now enter the bills when all Covidos comrades face

100% of the sick pay was nothing more than blank text, weightless speech. The truth is that the government lied again.

The union asked the government to take immediate action to ensure that the missing 40% also reaches the accounts of employees who have been laid off to the end!

They wrote an open letter Viktor Orban to the head of government, Miklós Kásler Minister and Zoltán Maruzsa Secretary of state. They demand that an immediate and early winter break be ordered from next Monday to protect life and health, and that income lost due to the coronavirus epidemic be paid for immediately!

The PDSZ recalled that the Fidesz-KDNP repeatedly referred to Christian values.

However, where are these values ​​when it comes to protecting workers?

The union was aware that it was receiving comments from the crowd that nothing had happened for days with confirmed infections to prevent the spread of the epidemic, to protect students and staff at the institution.

Teachers are currently experiencing the tests as an existential fear, as despite the promise made in September, hardly anyone has received 100% sick pay so far, only 60%, which, given the already very low teacher salaries, makes many families impossible.
