Fidesz Member of Parliament János Lázár, prime minister, spoke at an online agricultural conference about the fact that the whole world has received a great lesson from the pandemic and that if Hungary is to close its borders again, it is an effort basic to creating a strong and self-sufficient agriculture and food industry. The article published on the agrarium.hu portal also reveals that János Lázár fears that not only the epidemic, but also political debates could affect the functioning of entire sectors.
And an economy whose existence and survival depends on an external actor is not independent but vulnerable.
– said the politician, who said that this is why Hungary should strive to preserve or rebuild its independent national economy.
János Lázár also presented practical examples,
It is necessary to consolidate in Hungarian cooperatives, to strengthen the Hungarian processing industry so that Hungarian raw materials are processed by Hungarian companies, packaged by Hungarian companies and placed in stores as Hungarian products.
In his speech, the Prime Minister also said that in addition to strengthening domestic markets, the government has a responsibility to:
also the displacement of foreign retail chains, for which an openly protectionist policy will be followed.
At a government briefing in 2017, János Lázár, still the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said that the Orbán government wanted to protect smaller competitors and consumer interests against Lidl, Aldi, Tesco, SPAR and other multinational companies in accordance with the law. The European Commission also adopted.