Index – Abroad – EU Budget: Poland maintains a common position between Hungary and Poland


Charles Michel, President of the European Council, is optimistic about the rule of law mechanism. The politician is confident that a solution will be found in the coming days to allay fears regarding the arbitrary application of the mechanism. Germany, which holds the rotating presidency of the EU, is working hard on this, he added.

He stressed the need to fully implement the “historic agreement” reached in July on the next long-term budget of the European Union and the fund to repair the damage caused by the coronavirus epidemic.

A year after taking office, Charles Michel, after speaking about the challenges facing the European Union in particular, emphasized that the EU had faced obstacles but needed to find a common solution to adopt a vital budget and recovery package, he said. MTI. .

On his visit to Brussels on Thursday evening, the prime minister of the smaller party in the Polish ruling coalition, Jaroslaw Gowin, also spoke about the need for a compromise. Gowin said he said a compromise on the budget is possible if EU leaders adopt a binding statement that explains the set of budget conditions. As he said, Poland wants to make sure that conditionality will only affect the transparent and fair use of EU funds.

At the same time, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki posted on Facebook that the common Polish-Hungarian position on the rule of law related to EU payments needs to be strongly expressed, both in Hungary and on the EU stage.

The position on the next seven-year framework budget of the European Union and the financial basis to repair the economic damage caused by the coronavirus epidemic is essential for the future of the European Union, the entry reads.

According to Morawiecki, Poland will uphold the spirit of the European Treaties and will fight for the equality of all Member States so that they can choose the path they follow democratically.

And Polish government spokesman Piotr Müller said in a Twitter post today

Warsaw fully supports the Polish-Hungarian position on the conditions for the payment of EU funds.

Poland can only adopt regulations in accordance with the EU Treaties and the final conclusions of the European Council (July).
