Index – Domestic – Cecília Müller: We go to the bathroom with a mask, to the shopping center only consciously


Most of the people who die from coronavirus have had cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes, so it is very important that chronic patients pay special attention to themselves and

maintain your chronic illness

The national medical director said at a press conference on the operational staff on Friday. Cecília Müller recalled the depressing statistics of the last 24 hours and expressed her condolences to the families of the 189 victims.

The medical director stressed that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also constantly consults with experts to jointly establish the rules for Christmas and holidays. It seems that neither in Europe nor in Hungary the number of infected people is decreasing, but permanently high.

He stressed that due to compliance with hygiene standards


There are some interventions that have been postponed to ensure that all coronavirus patients receive proper care. The capabilities, forces, drugs and professionals are available in all places to provide the best patient care.

Cecília Müller also reported that treatments are still available, although visits to spas are prohibited. However, most hydrotherapy services are still available for anyone with a chronic musculoskeletal disorder to continue treatment. However, wearing a mask is also mandatory there.

The chief physician recommends shopping online, but if we go shopping in person, it is important to plan ahead at home and go to the malls with determination. Visit stores that match your selected merchandise and spend as little time in stores as possible. And don’t forget to bring a hand sanitizer with you, Cecília Müller warned.

Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss said they now had to act in more than 10,000 cases for violating the rules for wearing masks. Police had to close two stores on Thursday. In Kecskemét, an open gymnasium was inspected, an infringement procedure had to be initiated against three people, and the room was closed for seven days. A bakery in Újpest was also closed for a week due to the irregular use of masks.
