Tamás Deutsch apologized to Manfred Weber for gesturing


Tamás Deutsch Fidesz sent a circular to members of the Group of the European People’s Party explaining why it compared Manfred weber previous statement of the faction leader to the line of thought of the Gestapo and ÁVO.

The Bavarian politician spoke about the EU veto of Hungary that Towards Viktor Orbán You need not fear the requirements of the EU rule of law if the Hungarian courts are independent and the media free. Deutsch responded to this in an interview on November 25, saying that “if you have nothing to cover, you have nothing to fear” was the technique of the Gestapo and ÁVO.

Deutsch’s statements at home reached Brussels and caused so much discontent in the People’s Party that he began his expulsion from the faction. Othmar Karas An Austrian MP had already found thirty supporters of the exclusion initiative in an internal scandal in parallel with the Szájer case on Wednesday.

In a letter Deutsch posted without comment, Origo now wrote that he apologized the day after the interview and also “cleared up” the conflict with Manfred Weber.

I say it this way, “of course, I didn’t mean to offend you personally, and if that had happened, I would have followed you.” During our phone conversation the other day, I became convinced that the group leader had taken note of the apology.

According to the Fidesz politician, the Popular Party began to demand an apology after his apology. Deutsch wrote that he was saddened by the practice in the European People’s Party that, instead of holding political debates, some threatened to exclude those who took a different position. According to

differences of opinion within a democratic political community should not be “treated” similarly to those of the Communist Party.
