Hungary pays attention to a softening Polish position, a rogue from the polish sex party hardening


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On Thursday news came during the day, for example, from the Austrian commissioner responsible for the EU budget that Hungarians + Poles vs the continent paralyzed all in the clash will soon have a breakthrough. And in the evening the bomb exploded: Deputy Prime Minister Jarolaw Gowin announced that the Poles were ready to give up the veto on the EU budget. This would mean that only Hungarians weighing significantly less than Poles would stutter.

Jaroslaw Gowin.Photo: Artur Widak / NurPhoto via AFP

However, as of Friday morning it is still unclear what exactly happened. At the moment, as Péter Magyari wrote, it can only be guessed whether Gowin, who is a spectator of Polish domestic politics, spoke only in his own name on Thursday night, or whether he sent a message to Europe with the approval of the first. Minister Morawiecki and possibly Viktor Orbán.

It is quite strange that Gowin has called for the veto to be resolved in the way that EU leaders would have given two weeks ago. But it is also possible that the Hungarian and Polish governments have realized, frightened by the EU solutions that have been shaken in recent days and simply overlooked, that they have failed to achieve what they want in vain.

By the way, there is another European issue where the Hungarian government hay is bad. The Hungarian state wanted to declare in court that voting had been abstained at the opening of the seven-week procedure in the European Parliament. But according to the opinion that prepared the verdict, they were not deceived.


By Thursday morning, 182 more Hungarians had died. This is not only significantly worse than all the previous Hungarian numbers, but it is also much worse than the Italian spring numbers in terms of population. No one can be blamed who can barely get a head when reading the latest tragic data, but perhaps these numbers that a covidia patient dies every eight minutes in Hungary are worth imagining.

However, in addition to the number of deaths, there are other worrisome figures, such as the almost 2,000 suspected crown patients who are routinely left out of hospital statistics. We only meet them by chance after Viktor Orbán spoke of their existence in a radio interview. A doctor treating covidium patients who did not attend the interview learned from Illtus Szurovecz that the suspected cases would be excluded from public statistics. At first I didn’t want to believe:

“I never thought that if we admitted 100 patients with suspected crowns and 60 of them immediately had a positive rapid test, the remaining 40 would be subtracted.”

Zoltán Haszán, the other 444 epidemiological journalist, is now trying to find out where a fan worth 94 billion HUF can be found. Perhaps in the customs warehouses, but since no authority has answered your questions, it is difficult to say for sure.

Just as the Hungarian politicians do not answer our questions about the epidemic situation. Gergely Gulyás told us in the government information on Thursday that there are about a thousand patients intensively, but at the same time he spoke of favorable data, whereas now we are quite tragic in European comparison.

Viktor Orbán promises to announce new epidemiological decisions on Monday, so it can be clear whether the government will undertake Christmas relaxation even in such a dramatic situation. And starting next week, it will be possible to schedule a vaccination against the coronavirus on the official side of the government. We hope that in the first semester of 2021 you will also receive whoever asks you.


Bush, Obama and Clinton at a 2017 event organized to help victims of a hurricanePhoto: JIM CHAPIN / AFP

The world is now living in a veritable vaccine fever. The British, who were the first to authorize the vaccine, are confident that it will reduce deaths and hospital admissions to almost zero. To encourage vaccination, the Portuguese announced that they would have the vaccine for free, and in the United States, three former presidents, Bush, Clinton and Obama, would give the vaccine in front of the cameras.



Almost a week after the Brussels sex party, the József Szájer case is becoming less political and more sensational. Of course, the story will have a political dimension for a long time, but only small things happen in this space, such as Szájer’s resignation from the title of honorary citizen of Sopron and the calculation of how many tens of millions of florins the former MEP will lose with total withdrawal.

Yet as tabloid news, the case remains the strongest in decades. It is no coincidence that he has already made it to the American Daily Show. We are there for individuals and journalists to photograph and videotape a small gray gutter. Unfortunately, the protagonist is not talking to reporters, but this deficiency is made up for by the party organizer, one David Manzheley, who, any question, is happy to chatter about something uncontrollable. He only said that on Thursday

In the evening, it also turned out that Manzheley, of Polish descent, is being criticized in his homeland for all sorts of little scams. There will be more twists and turns.


One-day news for those who like to know where their money is going:


Somogyi Hajnalka in 2015Photo: Tamás Botos / 444

For the first time, Hungary was included in the Power 100 list of the 100 most influential fine arts actors in the world: Hajnalka Somogyi, founder and co-curator of the OFF-Biennale, became 96th. We interviewed Somogy in the summer and presented the OFF-Biennale in more detail when it started.

Two housing organizations also honored UN Habitat and World Habitat from Hungarian Street to Apartment! Association. ULE has been operating a social rental housing system since 2014, providing affordable housing for people in need, supported by long-term social work and a job search group. In their reasoning, the jury emphasized that due to the criminalization of homeless people, Hungary is a particularly difficult field for organizations working in the field of housing.


Photo: DC Entertainment – Warner Bros./Collection Christophel via AFP

There hasn’t been as much earthquake in Hollywood for decades as on Thursday. The Warner Bros. studio has announced that its new films will be shown in theaters and HBO Max at the same time in 2021. Warner’s decision marked a dramatic break with the Hollywood model to date, which, based on cinema revenues, it was able to support the gigantic machinery of the film industry.

We wrote a few days ago that the era of big-budget blockbusters could end in Hollywood anyway because it became uncertain whether hundreds of millions of movies could be profitable. This current step finally points in that direction. Warner, of course, cited the current decision in reference to the epidemic, which is perhaps the most beautiful example of what many experts have been repeating for months: the coronavirus has already started, but it is accelerating slow processes many times. And I also shed a tear for the popcorn industry.

When the country expects anti-epidemic measures, the government prioritizes realizing its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public property, the ideological war against sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and there will be more ideas here. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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