Veto: Hungarian-Polish couple would be left out of recovery fund, we face key days


Instead of bringing together all member states of the European Union, a € 750 billion post-pandemic coronavirus recovery fund could be established with the cooperation of up to 25 member states, said Manfred Weber, faction leader of the European People’s Party. (PPE) in the European Parliament.

At an online press conference in Berlin, the German politician highlighted: “everyone should know” that there are no legal or technical obstacles to improving cooperation through Twenty-five Member States created a fund called NextGenerationEU (NGEU) consisting of loans and grants. While this is “politically undesirable”, of course, thinking has started about what can be done if “EU ideology prevails over realism” at the EU summit, which starts on December 10, and hence the failure of twenty weeks to create the NGEU together. Manfred Weber said. Yesterday we wrote here in detail about how this could be maintained, what would be the build.

On another topic of the meeting of the European Council of Heads of State and Government, the EU budget (MFF) for the seven-year period starting in 2021, stressed that if Hungary and Poland do not adopt the budget due to activities ” irresponsible “, It is not possible to extract all the planned amounts of cohesion funds, which provide a lot of support to Hungary and Poland.

Risking the adoption of the MFP and NGEU is a “fire game”, and

leads to very serious consequences

said a politician from the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU).

Regarding the rule of law mechanism challenged by the leaders of Budapest and Warsaw, he said that the “main common goal” is to “depoliticize” legal issues of the rule of law, removing them from partisan political debates. That is why the mechanism has been designed so that the EP has no role to play. “It is not the EPP, the Social Democrats or the Greens that need to have a partisan political debate about whether the rule of law works, the press is free and the judiciary is independent,” said Manfred Weber. He added that in Germany “no one would think of discussing such issues in the Bundestag (the federal parliament), but everyone would go to Karlsruhe immediately”, to the federal constitutional court.

This solution is also necessary at the EU level; the European Commission should carry out an in-depth analysis, the European Council should take a decision and a Member State that is not satisfied with the decision should go to the Court of Justice of the European Union, explained Manfred Weber.

He is stressed:

This is not about the condemnation of Viktor Orbán, but about the introduction of a neutral rule of law mechanism, and we are not opposed to Hungary or Poland, but to the independence of the judiciary and freedom of the press.

He stressed that in the coming days the discussions must continue in this spirit, “not against someone, but for something.” In this context, it was also about

“The next hours and days” are crucial for the Fidesz EPP membership.

