Undersecretary of State Juan el Grande was handcuffed


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Investigators are being investigated for bribery at the agriculture ministry, with János Nagy, undersecretary of state for agrarian affairs, whose dismissal will be initiated by the minister on Wednesday, the ministry said.

According to the announcement, the Budapest Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office has committed an official bribe for abuse of power and is investigating other crimes, with János Nagy, Undersecretary of State for Territorial Affairs at the Ministry of Agriculture.

Agriculture Minister István Nagy initiates the dismissal of the Undersecretary of State. The ministry will assist the prosecution in everything, they wrote in the statement.

According to Magyar Hang, János Nagy was taken away in handcuffs.

The newspaper wrote about the case, in the summer a mixed agricultural entrepreneur, also dedicated to raising animals, planned to start a new agricultural company with the help of a state subsidy through a tender. There is a well-founded suspicion that the contractor offered an undue advantage to a senior ministerial official in his official position to help him win the tender for the investment and acquire the land. The contractor recommended to the ministry official a 5% stake in the expected successful venture due to the non-refundable grant of several HUF 100 million that is planned to be earned through the exercise of official influence. The senior official accepted the offer and acquired the promised stake in the newly established agricultural enterprise.

The prosecution questioned both authors as suspects, ordered their arrest and proposed the imposition of a coercive judicial measure affecting personal freedom. (Magyar Hang, MTI)

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