He did not tolerate printing ink, as the former mayor expressed his satisfaction.

The tram in Hódmezővásárhely has been completed, János Lázár announced. The former mayor of the city has appeared on his community page with several videos talking about the tram line. The end of the last record, however, was unexpectedly broken and Lazarus was ripped

That’s a big problem! “

The politician was no longer taken by the camera at that time. It is not known if Lazaro expressed himself in this way accidentally or intentionally.

The ominous phrase is heard in the recording for 30 seconds.

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János Lázár: If you win Fidesz in 2022, you will see the error correction


According to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hódmezővásárhely, Fidesz has an internal saying, that “only Fidesz is better than Fidesz”.

At the moment, however, János Lázár cannot supervise Szabadkígyós castle.


The economic committee has removed the peaceful Weinckheim Castle issue from the agenda, so there will be no vote in Parliament for the time being. The representative of the right in the area reported on the shift from the community side.