Index – National – Coronavirus becomes infected even before symptoms appear


Another major Facebook post came from Pécs virologists on the coronavirus epidemic, which was published in response to a recently published Chinese study. It examined and analyzed in detail more than a thousand infected people and their 15,600 contacts. It turned out that the

the average probability of contagion is 7.2% in households, 1.7% in the case of family contacts outside the home, 0.9% in the case of social and friendly contacts and 0.4% in the case of community and street contacts.

These data also support that prolonged exposure in confined spaces is riskier. The infection of the primary infectious individual in the contacts occurred after an average of 5.3 days. 63 percent of infection events occurred before symptoms appeared. So we can get infected before the initial symptoms appear.

Fall and winter weather are favorable for coronavirus

An Australian study has been conducted on the relationship between temperature and the virus.

The researchers described that measures to limit the spread in the community have mainly shifted the spread of the epidemic to households. According to the Pécs virologists, therefore, as the holidays approach, it is very important to understand the main rules: wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands, avoid the community.

According to the current scientific position

we are most contagious at the beginning of symptoms and before,

that is why it is especially important that if someone feels ill or has mild symptoms, they do not enter the community.

The responsibility is not primarily on us, but on preventing the transmission of infection. Unfortunately, sooner or later, chains of infection reach vulnerable people and fill hospitals. Get the point and pay attention to each other, we will have a harsh winter. The good news shouldn’t fool us either. the fight may calm down next year so the winter is expected to be harsh and difficult, but sooner or later it will end

Experts add.

Ivermectin is being seriously studied

The meta-analysis prior to the authorization of the drug is initiated by the universities of Szeged and Pécs.
