According to Merkel, some should be allowed for the needs of Hungary and Poland, because that is the policy.


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Opening to an agreement based on mutual concessions is needed for a common goal of all parties to adopt the next seven-year budget of the European Union and a fund for the recovery from the coronavirus epidemic, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin .

The German prime minister, who holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council, said in the online presidency of the EU Affairs Committees of national parliaments (COSAC) that the Council conclusions adopted by the July European Council bring together several less outlined texts.

In the conclusions, the Member States believed in the values ​​enshrined in Article 2 of the EU Treaty and in the protection of the Community’s financial interests, including an effective common budget.

According to Angela Merkel, reconciling the two principles and causing the satisfaction of all member states for the rotating presidency “is as difficult as squaring the circle.” “We are working with all our strength, but the situation is not easy to pose very carefully,” he said.

He said that some member states “say we will not compromise or change our riders” but are addressing the Presidency-in-Office with the expectation that they will “get results.” According to him, the task of politics is precisely to find solutions that are acceptable to all, but “without compromise this cannot be achieved”, which is why an open attitude to the compromise of all parties is needed.

Meeting of Angela Merkel and Viktor Orbán in 2019Photo:

Merkel said that for him the rule of law is the “basis of the European project”, the value of the rule of law has to do with Article 2 of the Treaty and the violation of the rule of law is about Article 7. According to him , the idea that Article 7 of the Financial Regulation “is smuggled out the back door” through the conditions attached to the use of funds is wrong.

The rotating presidency has worked very hard on the regulation presented by the European Commission, which the Legal Service of the General Secretariat of the European Council and the Council of the EU have declared does not “wash” unrelated things, the regulation “focuses a lot on the budget, “Merkel said. who said that it is always worth studying a given document carefully to form positions.

The governments of Hungary and Poland said two weeks ago that they do not see the possibility of adopting the EU budget and the recovery fund due to the mechanism that links the use of the funds to the rule of law.

We wrote on Friday that the Hungarian and Polish prime ministers claim that Merkel misled them during the summer, although there is no trace of this in public documents, and although they have legal objections, the point is not: the main problem is actually that the EU should a one-party system be established in its member states. (via Politico, MTI)

When the country awaits measures against the epidemic, the government considers it essential to realize its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public property, the ideological war against sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and there will be more ideas here. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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