Péter Jakab, who was stirring potatoes in Parliament, was fined 4.4 million HUF


At the proposal of President László Kövér, Parliament fined the political scandal Péter Jakab 4.4 million. President Jobbik has only had scandalous business in Parliament in recent years. He received his current punishment for waving a bag of potatoes near Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Today, Parliament has also decided on the proposal of President László Kövér, which reduced the remuneration of Péter Jakab, the leader of the Jobbik faction, by more than 4.4 million HUF due to the violation of the provisions of the Rules of the camera.

Peter Jakab attacked with a bag of potatoesSource: Máté Kocsis / Facebook

As previously reported, On October 19, Peter Jakab raped a bag of potato chips in parliament. Peter James behaved pathetically, ridiculously when he wanted to bring a bag of potato chips to the prime minister after his speech, but pro-government politicians stopped him. At that time, the deputy speaker of the parliament also warned Jobbik’s politician, who, moreover, did not take care of epidemiological rules: he went to Máté Kocsis without wearing a mask (everyone else did) and did not keep his distance.

That James Peter was so brave this time that on October 12, he did not dare to go to parliament after the hard defeat of the left in the fortunate by-elections. He was afraid of facing failure and therefore had no chance to congratulate the winning candidate of the ruling parties in the European way.

Obscene words and behavior

By the way, the chairman of Jobbik is attacking pro-government politicians with obscene words in his parliamentary speeches, which is why he is often deprived of the floor. He did not have a memorable action, not as party president, but as group leader, when in November 2019, while the National Assembly debated a bill that modifies certain laws that affect the functioning of parliament and the status of deputies, he assumed the presidency Viktor Orbán.

Parliament has spoken about the Péter Jakab scandals in recent yearsSource: MTI / Tibor Illyés

Anti-Semitic scandals

In addition to the parliamentary scandals Peter Jakab has had several serious anti-Semitic scandals in recent years. One of his strongest manifestations was the open letter he addressed to Slomo Köves to the Orthodox rabbi in 2014. The current director of the EMIH has harshly criticized the extremist policies of Jobbik. “So make no mistake: your group would list it as well. Just as Jobbik’s spiritual ancestors listed their ancestors,” the religious leader wrote, among other things. The right-wing politician could not tolerate the criticism and articulated pure anti-Semitic ideas.

  • “We also condemn the fact that Jewish storytellers hold the entire Hungarian nation accountable for the Jewish Holocaust, hoping that our compatriots will be punished for crimes that were not committed or even lived when they were committed.”
  • “It would finally be time for the Hungarian Jews, and especially its ruling class, to embrace it.”
  • “How he got there, and what is his own responsibility, identifying almost entirely with the left and liberalism, that is, with a politics inherent in the interests and values ​​of Hungarians.”

However, there was an even harsher part of the letter, namely the conclusion:


wrote Peter Jakab.

A few days before his open letter, he told a party newspaper called Alfahír that Vona had asked him to be Jobbik’s candidate for mayor of Miskolc in the last municipal elections. He made extremely crude comments about this: “… We don’t hear anything else in the media: how Jewish storytellers want to turn the Holocaust into money. Let’s face it, they have a great responsibility to make a significant part of Hungarian society feel today that we don’t have to remember the Holocaust every blessed day so that it doesn’t happen again, but rather so that we don’t forget to pay for it. ” James said. According to him, this is the reason why these Jewish leaders generate prejudices, on the basis of which they can launch more and more anti-Semitic programs of millions.

When people are strangled by bills and loans, it is understandable that Hungarian society does not want to finance all of this.“he added.

James also had very harsh anti-Semitic statements.Source: MTI / Tamás Kovács

“Israel is at the forefront of violating Hungarian interests”

The right-wing politician has risen not only against “Jewish storytellers”, but also against Israel. After a hearing of the US Congressional subcommittee. Tamás Fellegi, the former Fidesz minister described Jobbik as an openly anti-Roma and anti-Semitic party, a Jobbik spokesperson said,divide society into constructive and destructive individuals, and they cannot say that a significant part of the Roma can be classified in the latter category, and Israel is at the forefront of the violation of Hungarian interests“.
