1.7 million gross wins opposition from public television In the news, primitive idiot Balázs Németh


The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages.

I’ll buy it

Balázs Németh, news anchor, works for MTVA for a gross base salary of 1,739,000 HUF.

András Litresits, a lawyer, approached the publicly funded MTVA even before Balázs Németh was punished by the Media Council, which was made up exclusively of Fidesz members, in January this year.

“The opposition opened the season with primitive, choppy and outrageous action.”

Litresits wanted to know what remuneration Balázs Németh made with public money, so he requested the previous and current employment contract of his public television employee.

MTVA first refused to comply with the request, so the lawyer turned to the National Data and Information Protection Authority (NAIH) and then to the court after his request was denied. The court did justice to him and, on October 8, 2020, ordered MTVA, more specifically the Media Services Support and Asset Management Fund, listed as the defendant, to disclose the requested information: the employment contract. of Németh, its annexes and any modification to it “. Information must be available on the job, the job, the base salary, the salary supplement and any additional benefits”.

MTVA finally shipped the requested contract on November 25, which shows how much Németh paid. On the other hand, it is not about what period, how long and whether Németh will receive this salary. It is also not known if he received these sums even when he was not on the M1 screen for 3-4 months. Litresits therefore goes to the Curia to ask the board to oblige MTVA to provide complete information.

When the country awaits measures against the epidemic, the government considers it essential to realize its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public goods, the ideological war on sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and here will be more ideas. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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