Judapesting didn’t bother me, now Christmas is asking the whole world for help with the Demeter affair


In an open letter, he asks the whole world for help through the journalism of the mayor of Budapest, Gergely Demeter Szilárd Karácsony. On Saturday, the director general of the Petőfi Literary Museum published an article by Origón comparing György Soros to Adolf Hitler. As several of his critics received his writing, the writer withdrew it on Sunday. The mayor, however, published an article on his Facebook page in which, joining the call of the writer Luis the Great, he rejected Demeter’s claims and asked for help from all the democratic citizens of the world. Below we publish Gergely Karácsony’s writing in its entirety:

“I join the convocation of Lajos Parti Nagy!

The Prime Minister is concerned with vile and humble writing, even after its repeal, and with its writer. Her man, her cultural politician, wanted to establish her European politics, her shame. Demeter Szilárd can no longer hold any public office as of 8 am on Monday morning. The prime minister still has a few hours left.

Open letter to all democratic citizens of Hungary, Europe and the world!

The undersigned, as citizens of Hungary and the European Union, emphatically reject the letter from Government Commissioner Demeter Szilárd, Director General of the Petőfi Literary Museum, official representative of the Hungarian government, published on November 28, 2020, in which György Soros addressed Hitler, the liberal and liberal people. and compares it to the Nazis.

By abusing the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and the pains of the survivors with its anti-European and anti-national text, it consciously provokes, incites unease and hatred. In the worst way, he pleases in a non-existent victim role while he is the abuser, serving the shameful propaganda of the current government.

It refers to the Hungarians from whom it did not receive authorization!

With his confusing writing, he deeply insulted all his known compatriots in their human dignity. He proved inadequate and unworthy to direct and represent any area of ​​Hungarian culture and public life.

Now that Hungary, Europe and the entire world live in horror, uncertainty, when solidarity and attention would be needed, when millions find themselves vulnerable and expelled in a matter of moments, this propaganda is particularly vile and inhumane.

Knowing, too, that this is a rubber bone thrown for democratically minded people, however, we must speak out against unhealthy and toxic provocations!

Based on basic human and divine laws, commandments, the rule of law, and European and international regulations adopted by Hungary, we demand that you immediately resign from all your public duties and withdraw from Hungarian public life. We also expect this from all politicians and parliamentarians who can identify with this anti-life and inhuman text.

We hope that the majority of the country has preserved their common sense and humanity, listening to their hearts. We promise to do everything possible to combat exclusion, hatred, cynicism and evil to the best of our physical, mental and material capacities!

We ask for help, support, for the reconstruction of a human, normal and right Hungary, to wash away the shame, the misfortune! Our country now needs unity and peace to overcome all epidemics!

Please, whoever can, distribute it among you, through your national and international contacts.

Done in Hungary, this 29th of November 2020, the first Sunday of Advent.

By the way, the mayor has spoken out several times in the past against his fellow politicians who delivered actual anti-Semitic sentences.

On February 5, 2019, as co-chair of the Dialogue, Hír TV, for example, featured him on the evening show as a non-Nazi that would include Jewish representatives. He said all this in response to the fact that presenter Andrea Földi-Kovács asked how a left-wing party could cooperate with Jobbik, who is well known for his anti-Semitic past. The presenter also brought up the case when Jobbik’s current MEP Márton Gyöngyösi, at the time, as a Member of Parliament, suggested that his Jewish colleagues sitting in Parliament be included on the list. Christmas replied that Gyöngyösi’s proposal “was not Nazism per se.”

In this year’s by-elections in Borsod this fall, the Diálogo and the mayor also personally supported the joint opposition candidate, Jobbik member László Bíró. The lucky candidate of the opposition coalition has previously made several anti-Semitic statements, more of them during 2018, or just 2 years ago. For example, he once put it this way, referring to Jewish guests who visit hotels in the area: “My dog ​​will buy it when the lice pass in front of the house. My friends work in the hotel industry and they tell me what is happening “, but also said in a publication that” the capital of Jewish usurious banks has been cut off from the economy, the payment of cosmopolitan robberies euphemized as war reparations has been removed, “but constantly called Budapest Judapest, evoking the rhetoric of anti-Semitic and Nazi politicians before and during World War II.

