The petition was launched with more than 160 signatories, according to whom the Ministerial Commissioner, director of the Petőfi Literary Museum, is unworthy and unfit to govern any area of ​​Hungarian culture or public life.

More than 160 signatories, including many well-known public figures, are demanding Demeter Szilárd’s resignation in an open letter. the to Hangon The antecedent of the published text is that the Ministerial Commissioner, who is also director of the Pet Litefi Literary Museum, explained, among other things, in a journalism that György Soros is “the liberal Führer” and Europe is his gas chamber.

Abusing the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and the pain of the survivors, its anti-European and anti-national text, consciously provokes, incites discomfort and hatred. In the worst way, he indulges in a non-existent sacrificial role while he is the abuser, serving the shameful propaganda of the current government.

– can be read in the open letter. According to the initiators of the petition, Demeter’s writings are not only offensive but also confusing, and the ministerial commissioner proved unworthy to direct and represent any area of ​​Hungarian culture and public life.

We demand that you immediately abandon all your public duties and retire from Hungarian public life! “

At the same time, the signatories undertake to act against exclusion, hatred, cynicism and evil “to the best of their physical, mental and material capacities”. The text concludes that the country now needs unity and peace to “overcome all epidemics.”

Among the signatories is, among others, the name of Lajos Parti Nagy, but Mayor Gergely Karácsony – as he announced on his Facebook page – also joined the petition.

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Remove your gas chamber written by Demeter Szilárd
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The director of the Petőfi Literary Museum also deleted his Facebook page.

Gábor Török sees Gordon Bajnai as prime ministerial candidate
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Political scientist Demeter Szilárd analyzed the ex-politician’s manifestation in relation to his latest scandal.