József Szájer, Member of the European Parliament, resigns


Today I have submitted my resignation as President of the European Parliament to Mr David Sassoli, Member of the European Parliament. The waiver takes effect on December 31, 2020. My decision marks the end of a longer period of thought. The resignation is not related to the content of the current fiercest fight on the European stage. In the current debate, I agree with the position of the Hungarian government, I support it – said József Szájer.

For some time now, participating in the daily political struggle has been a growing mental strain for me, and those on the battlefield must be ready to fight. I have been serving Hungary as a professional politician for thirty years. For the most part, I worked at the European level. I tried to carry out my duties conscientiously, to represent the interests of the Hungarian people and my constituents.

I thank the voters for casting their votes to the Hungarian Parliament four times and to the European Parliament four times. In both institutions I served my country with all my strength, it was a good job serving the Hungarians. That is the end of my job as an elected representative. Thank you for the support of my fellow politicians and colleagues.

József SzájerSource: AFP / Peter Kohalmi

In the future, rather than practical political activity, I intend to continue the work begun when the regime change occurred in a broader intellectual field. I will carry out my new tasks with the commitment and determination that I have had thus far. I will elaborate on the details later – concludes the politician’s statement.
