The American Jewish Committee also spoke out against the ministerial commissioner’s “horrible” outburst. The scandal has reached an international level.

“György Soros’s gas chamber in Europe”, “György Soros is the liberal Führer”, “We are the new Jews”, among others, written by Ministerial Commissioner Szilárd Demeter, General Director of the Petőfi Literary Museum Origon published in his journalism on Saturday. The writing caused widespread outrage, even on Sunday, even internationally.

We deeply condemn all abuses of Holocaust remembrance. “

– wrote the Israeli embassy in Hungary Twitterside. “There is no place to link the greatest crime in history with contemporary debates,” they added.

Demeter’s words were described as horrible by the Central European organization of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), also a On twitter. As they say, we have to speak out against that historical ignorance and the minimization of the Holocaust.

Demeter attacked Soros and the EU in an anti-Semitic way “

– can also be found in the Communication of the International Auschwitz Committee. According to its president, Berlin Christoph Heubner, Demeter’s outburst marks a new depth in Hungary’s anti-Semitic and anti-European campaign, which is not only repulsive to the survivors of the Hungarian Holocaust.

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Mazsihisz's response to Demeter Szilárd: describing Europe as a gas chamber is insipid and unforgivable

At home

The director of the Petőfi Literary Museum has leveled the line of Origó’s published journalism.

Miklós Let's go to Demeter Szilárd: Cover up for warmer weather!
At home

Miklós Vámos also had a hard time finding words for Szilárd Demeter’s idea that György Soros’s gas chamber in Europe and Soros, the Holocaust survivor, were “the liberal Führer.”