Coronavirus: Daily death toll peaks again (updated)


On Sunday morning, the number of infected people identified increased by 6,819 in 24 hours and 156 patients died; the most recent data can be read at koronaví The number of deaths in one day again set a record after 152 deaths on Saturday. Of the 16,311 tests performed, 41.8 percent were positive, indicating an alarmingly high number and insufficient tests performed. The number of patients on the ventilator also peaked.

On Sunday morning, the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in 6,819 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 211,527, reported

Died 156 mostly elderly, chronic patient, so the number of deaths rose to 4,672. The daily death toll has thus risen to another peak after 152 deaths on Saturday.

According to the government portal, 55,637 people are currently on fire and the number of actively infected people is 151,218. Twenty per cent of the actively infected, 24 per cent of the dead and 26 per cent of those recovered were from Budapest.

The hospital cares for 7,590 coronavirus patients, 657 of whom are on ventilators, the latter also counting as a negative record. ​​draws attention to the fact that the number of identified infected people appear in ambulances, in filtered buses, and were also examined among hospital staff using rapid tests. Cumulative test results for specific groups among daycare, kindergarten, school and social workers are expected early next week.

The data shows that 5,251 fewer tests were conducted than Saturday, which is believed to have contributed to the alarmingly high The proportion of positive cases is 41.81 percent. The positivity rate is more than eight times higher than the WHO recommendation., that an indicator greater than 5 percent indicates insufficient evidence or an epidemic under controllable control. (This proportion is well above the WHO maximum of 12 percent.)

There is curfew

The government portal draws attention to the fact that there is still a curfew between 8 pm and 5 am, everyone must arrive home by 8 pm The police have acted in a total of 7,697 cases to date for raping the curfew. A case of exemption from the curfew is work, which, however, must be certified, for which the sample can be found here.

In grocery stores, pharmacies, drug stores, the protected shopping time zone for seniors is open from 9 am to 11 am on weekdays and from 8 am to 10 am on weekends., when only people over 65 can enter stores, but can also buy at other times outside the protected shopping time range.

Stores, with the exception of pharmacies and gas stations, can be open until 7:00 p.m. and from then on when the curfew expires, so They can open at 5am at the earliest. Service providers and services not mentioned in the regulation (eg hairdresser, massage therapist, personal trainer) can normally operate under the curfew rules.

The rules introduced so far to carry and maintain the distance remain valid, with the following: In some public areas of the settlement with more than 10,000 people, the use of a mask is mandatory.

All meetings are prohibited. Restaurants cannot accept guests, they can only stay there to bring food. Hotels cannot accept tourists, only guests arriving for business, economic or educational reasons. It is forbidden to carry out any type of event., including cultural events and Christmas fairs. Sports matches must be held behind closed doors. The use of leisure facilities, including in particular fitness rooms, indoor swimming pools, museums, libraries, cinemas and zoos, skating rinks, is prohibited.

Kindergartens, kindergartens and elementary schools are open through the eighth grade as usual, the specific institutional protection measures will be determined by the Director. High schools and universities have moved to a digital agenda. Fixed Internet access service is available free of charge for thirty days to digital education students and educators in public education and vocational training.

Private and family events (example: birthday) It can hold up to 10 people. Funerals can be held for up to 50 people. Weddings can be held without a weddingHowever, only some people can attend the event.

Public parking is free. Commercial P + R, Parking Garage, Parking Garage, Enclosed Surface Parking and Non-Enclosed Surface Parking can be used free of charge from 7pm to 7am. The facility operator is obliged to allow free parking during this time zone.

So far, the government has ordered 12 million vaccines

According to koronaví, the government has so far ordered 12 million doses of vaccines from three manufacturers.

Visiting hospitals and nursing homes is prohibited. Nursing home caregivers should do everything possible to avoid infection.
