Index – National – Péter Geszti also contracted the coronavirus


Anyone following Péter Geszti’s social site may have noticed that the lyricist hadn’t posted anything for three weeks. This was not typical of him until now, so he made a call on Facebook these days asking his fans to be with him on Saturday afternoon, telling him what is happening with him and the reason for his absence.

In his record of almost a quarter of an hour, Geszti revealed that he had frozen his social sites due to illness and that there was a background coronavirus.

I don’t really do that because I’m a more shy guy than that, but the point is, I didn’t actually post anything for three weeks. The reason for this was obviously very simple. I also had to beat this virus for myself in a Covid race, and I mean, I’m fine, I’m beyond negative testing. It’s that I ran away a little because I only had a small cough and a small fever. But it is also irrelevant, at my age it is no longer appropriate to talk about diseases.
