An era is coming to an end: a new solution can revolutionize and lower billing


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Izer Norbert explained: In 2021, it will be available to practically all companies with a single click, since next year the online invoice data sent to the tax office can also function as an electronic invoice if so indicated.

In addition to reducing costs, the latest tax developments can also do a lot to combat the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

Norbert Izer pointed out.

The online invoice will be expanded next year at the initiative of tax consultants with a feature that could revolutionize and significantly lower invoicing. reported the Secretary of State. The essence of the new service that appears in the so-called Online Invoice 3.0 is that the contractor can fulfill the obligation to provide data already necessary by sending the complete electronic invoice. The recipient of the invoice can view and download the invoice here.

In this case, the data supply is also the electronic invoice, the contractor’s billing program only has the task of marking this when sending the data – explained the Secretary of State. The finance ministry is currently working on detailed rules to ensure user-friendly tax innovation, and a decree on the matter will be published later this year, he added.

The new development could end the era of paper and pdf invoices, since in addition to being the easiest way to invoice, companies that opt ​​for electronic invoicing can save time and money, stressed Izer Norbert. According to the calculations of the tax consultants, seven hundred guilders can be saved per invoice by not imposing the costs of issuing or printing the paper invoice, postage and data entry for the change.

The new electronic invoicing solution is much easier to issue and manage than a PDF invoice. According to tax advisers, clients, that is, companies that receive the invoice, can earn even more; they can save four minutes per bill. The identifiers most used in the economy (such as contract, order, delivery note number) can also be optionally completed in the data structure, which makes invoices automatic and easy for the customer to process.

Because electronic invoicing requires customer consent, simplicity, time, and cost savings can be a compelling argument when making a decision.

Izer Norbert commented.

The Secretary of State has indicated that online billing will be completed in 2021, when all invoices, even those issued to individuals, will be visible to the tax office. The expansion of online invoicing, in addition to being the most significant step in the fight against the underground economy, also enables several unique prosecution services in the European Union, such as electronic invoicing with provision of data and official recommendation of draft tax returns. IVA, Izer Norbert reported.

Cover Image Source: MTI / Illyés Tibor
