Slavic: the epidemic in Hungary may peak at Christmas


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János Slavik again called out the good news that the effectiveness of vaccines is expected to exceed 90 percent, so by vaccinating 50-60 percent of the population, a major epidemic can be avoided.

The South Pest Central Hospital chief physician said the vaccine will be free and voluntary, but recommends that everyone get vaccinated to avoid complications from the coronavirus.

He stressed that newly developed vaccines show no long-term side effects, so vaccines from anywhere in the world will be safe.

János Szlávik rated it extremely favorable that Hungarian specialists could test the Russian vaccine at the production site. He noted that, as a member of the European Union, Hungary has stockpiled 4-5 types of vaccines, of which smaller doses may arrive in December and larger quantities next year.

He recalled that there is a global consensus that the elderly, the sick, will be vaccinated first and then they will be responsible for the operation of the country: for example, health workers, educators and police.

János Slavik also spoke about the fact that “coronavirus fatigue” reaches people, more and more people do not want to wear a mask, the vaccine can give them serious hope, with the help of which restrictive measures can be dissolved.

However, in the next period, the number of infected and dead people may increase, but the epidemic is expected to reach its peak by Christmas, said the chief physician of South Pest Central Hospital.

János Szlávik also spoke about the fact that newly acquired ventilators perform excellently at his institution, no problems were detected with them.

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