Sanitary regulation: the most important detailed rules were published on Saturday night


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The regulations establish, among others, the personal scope of the medical service relationship, the content of the employment contract, the rules on job classification, working hours, wages, benefits, severance pay, trial period and the employer’s obligation to provide information and notification.

The decree establishes that a legal relationship between the health service may be established with a person under eighteen years of age to occupy a position that requires a medical degree, if the interested party participates in the training aimed at obtaining the required professional qualification or qualification.

In a statement issued Saturday night, the Human Resources Ministry emphasized that the government had also accepted the proposals of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, especially regarding the rules on the secondment of health workers. Assignment may take place to maintain the safety of patient care, in which case, if necessary, the healthcare worker may be referred to a healthcare provider other than their permanent workplace. The enrollment period cannot exceed a total of 44 business days or 352 hours in any 12-month period.

The news emerged yesterday:

The health service employment contract stipulates that a person in a medical service relationship who is pregnant, raising a child under the age of 3, has a large family, raising only one minor child, cannot be assigned 16 years of age, who personally cares for a family member who has a proven degree of deterioration in health of at least fifty percent. that he is entitled to an old-age pension and that he does not contribute on commission If both parents of a child under the age of 16 are in a medical service relationship, only one parent can be designated. The person in a medical service relationship must be informed in writing at least ten business days before the request, the duration, the place of work, the salary and the problems related to accommodation and travel.

However, the government has also made special transitional arrangements for health protection against the coronavirus epidemic during the emergency. In the event of an emergency, the secondment rules will be stricter to guarantee hospital care for coronavirus patients, the EMMI statement said.

Detailed information on the legal status of the health service will be provided to interested parties in writing, as prescribed by the General Director of the National Hospital, in accordance with the announcement of the EMMI.

“The previous legal relationship of the interested parties, in the case of their intention to enter into a contract declared before March 31, 2021, will be transformed into a legal service legal relationship on April 1, 2021.”

In comparison, the Regulation on certain aspects of the legal relationship between healthcare professionals and healthcare professionals provides the following:

“On March 1, 2021, the legal relationship between an official and an employee (hereinafter, the interested party) hired by a health care provider that is within the scope of the EIA will be transformed into a health service relationship under the EIA “.

However, the increase in the salaries of doctors and nurses will take place at the rates previously announced, that is, from January.

The decree also establishes that the Law of Legal Relations of the Health Service. The exceptions to the application of Section 4 (5) shall be established by means of an independent decree of the Government. This statutory section regulates the conflict of interest rules (second job, workplace, place of patient care). In other words, the conflict of interest rules have not yet been seen in a new regulation.


maintained by the state

  • a) the chief county and national inpatient healthcare provider and clinical center performing the institutional duties of the county administrator,
  • b) the head of an urban inpatient healthcare provider,
  • c) the head of the health care provider providing specialized outpatient care,
  • d) a senior manager of a health care provider pursuant to Section 5 (1) (b) and (c), and
  • e) the head of a health care provider pursuant to Section 5 (2) is entitled to a management assignment, the upper limit of which is

determined by the General Director of the National Hospital.

The Director General of the National Hospital establishes that the Eszjtv. Additional fees in addition to the salary mentioned in Annex 1, its conditions and rates, in particular

  • a) mandatory duty,
  • b) preparation,
  • c) performance of tasks according to normal working hours, performance of guard duties, additional voluntary work performed within the framework of guard duty
  • (d) replacement; Y
  • (e) secondment

in case of.

The annexes to the Government Decree “On Modification of Certain Government Decrees related to the Implementation of Law C of 2020 on the Legal Condition of the Health Service” regulate in detail the salary scales of health workers for the next three years (2021 , 2022, 2023). We write about this here:

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