Index – National – The mayor of Gyál voted himself a gross prize of four million, according to the deputy mayor no problem


It was recently revealed that the mayor of Fidesz de Gyál, Mihály Pápai, voted a gross prize of 4 million 188 thousand HUF, that is, a net prize of 2 million 785 thousand 20 HUF. It could have done so without any vote, consent or consent, as only mayors could make a decision in a state of emergency declared by a coronavirus. ATV Híradója addressed the deputy mayor of the city, József Elek Nagy, who said that the mayor’s decision was justified and acceptable, the items on the agenda adopted on November 26, including the award, had a majority in the organ of representation. The television also searched for Mihály Pápai, but did not respond to questions until the news spread.

The mayor originally reported on his Facebook page what decisions he had made on behalf of the municipality, but did not mention the award that he had voted for himself among them, only that

end of the year rewards are awarded,

In this way, the police, teachers, kindergartens and kindergartens are also rewarded, as well as the institutions that manage the business with the municipality and its leaders. The reward for himself can be found in a resolution uploaded to the city’s website.

As for the other decisions, an environmental program will be prepared for the municipality for the period 2021 to 2026, and due to the constant increase in traffic reviewed the city’s transport concept, which will be carried out by an external company.
