French National Bank building set on fire, police officers lynched in Paris, mass demonstrations amid coronavirus epidemic


Even in the complicated history of French politics, a strange demonstration is taking place in Paris. On the one hand, there are national media, from all sides, Le Monde and Le Figaro: for the freedom of the French press. Yes, Brussels does less about it, but a new law will fundamentally restrict the work of journalists reporting on protests. As it will not be possible to show the face of the police, one of the slogans of the demonstration, in free translation, is that we keep quiet. Also, people are protesting against the new law of public order, in fact, as a black rapper was half beaten to death by the police this week because he was not wearing the mandatory mask, so to speak, mainly against police violence. There are even the yellow vests, and of course the violent far-left, who have already attacked the police, who dispersed them with tear gas. According to a preliminary report by Le Monde, the immigrants will also protest because the police evacuated another camp of illegal immigrants in Paris earlier this week. Police say there are tens of thousands of protests, and organizers say more than 100,000 protests are now in the midst of a dramatic coronavirus epidemic. We constantly update our article!

Demonstration for the freedom of the French press and police violence in ParisSource: AFP / Thomas Coex

Le Figaro, referring to the threat of an epidemic, described the demonstration as particularly dangerous, regardless of whether they participated themselves, although only a few.

Source: AFP / Thomas Coex

Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt

Protesters shoot at the police.

Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt

At the Bastille, without a permit, a pancake shop was opened, a ruthless crowd lined up to buy crepes and drinks. One protester told a Le Figaro reporter: everyone is making a revolution in the way they can. It is true that the revolutionary heroism of the pancake vendor is somewhat diminished by the fact that he naturally asked everyone for money.

Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt
Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt

Police and protesters fight each other.

Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt
Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt
Source: AFP / Thomas Coex
Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt
Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt

By the way, there have been demonstrations in several major French cities, and since the beginning of the summer, there has been no such protest in Bordeaux, a city led by the far left since the beginning of the summer, according to BFM TV. (all photos were taken in Paris)

Source: AFP / Alain Jocard
Source: AFP / Alain Jocard
Source: AFP / Alain Jocard
Source: AFP / Alain Jocard
Source: AFP / Alain Jocard

To calm people down, it was announced that the four policemen who beat the rapper head to head will remain in prison.

One of the protesters told Le Figaro, a 55-year-old engineer, that the French have always criticized African dictatorships, but protesters say unprecedented policing and a new law enforcement law will not improve France.


Around half past seven, the police decided to evacuate the Place de la Bastille, the crowd was so big and violent, and the Antifa activists kept throwing at the police. According to official figures from the Interior Ministry, 46 thousand people are demonstrating in Paris, the organizers speak of tripling it.

According to the latest information, the French National Bank building on the corner of the Bastille was set on fire by far-left protesters.

Source: AFP / Thomas Coex
Source: AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt

After the police announced that they were evacuating the Place de la Bastille, a famous Parisian restaurant on the corner of the square was also set on fire by radical left-wing protesters calling themselves anti-capitalists.


After the water cannons appeared at the Bastille, the crowd fled the square. A total of 37 policemen were injured in today’s protests in France, according to a report from the Interior Ministry.

Shortly before 8 pm, the Interior Ministry announced that 133,000 people had protested in France. According to the organizers, almost three times more than that.

Linda Kebbab, one of the leaders of the Unité SGP police union, said radical protesters lynched and beat police officers, throwing Molotov cocktails at them.
