Virus Deniers Fight Coronavirus Vaccine With Amazing Lie


In one of his most recent posts, György Gődény, the best-known Hungarian virus denier, who called himself a doctor but didn’t actually have a medical degree, tried to dissuade his followers from the coronavirus vaccine. Ripost followed the false doctor’s claims, which turned out to be based on rude slip-ups, ignoring all professionalism. What you do can reach the lives of others, the newspaper described.

In his article posted on the Gődény community site, he argued against a vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, arguing with serious inaccuracies and willful misrepresentation. Ripost took the accusations in turn and searched for the facts.

Statement: “The vaccine, developed by Astra-Zeneca / Oxford with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was 90% effective without the experimental group including or testing subjects older than 55 years.”

Done: The vaccine was tested in the second phase of clinical trials in 560 healthy volunteers, of whom one hundred and sixty were between 18 and 55 years old, one hundred sixty were between 56 and 69 years old, two hundred and forty were over 70 years old and had a strong response. immune. In the third phase, 131 subjects were tested, all between the ages of 18 and 55, where the drug was found to provide 90 percent protection in those who received the drug first at half the dose and then at the dose. complete. However, in the second round, both groups had already received the same repeat dose and studies are still ongoing.

Once again, the virus denier was refutedSource: Facebook

Statement: “Investors have asked and company executives have admitted that currently only about 62% of efficiency is on paper, but no one really knows how much that is!”

Done: All studies include 62 percent, just in a completely different report. In the third phase of the trials, the effectiveness was 62 percent in those who received the full dose, while the vaccine was 90 percent in those who received the lowest dose. Gődény uses it to hide the uncertainty surrounding the analysis of the data, which the manufacturer promises to clarify in a few weeks and compile the final report accordingly.

Statement: “As you know, people under 55 don’t get seriously ill anyway, so this is a great group for the magic around the vaccine miracle!”

Done: “In Hungary, 340 of people with coronavirus under the age of 59 died on November 25. In the United States, 40% of patients admitted to the hospital during the first wave of spring, so almost half! They were under 55! We also know specific examples: Little Count 27, or Majka, 41, was also hospitalized with severe symptoms. “

You are free to spread your lies

Despite György Gődény making proven and unprofessional claims, Facebook still lets you organize your interior.

Gődény’s network is currently more aggressive than ever: there are antivirus groups in all counties and capitals of the country, and even the pseudo-doctor has created a global and European site. So far, there is no indication that Facebook will intervene in the matter.

We have covered virus deniers and their lies in several of our articles – these can be read here and here.
