The Belarusian politician, allegedly won by fraud, said he would not want to be president after the introduction of the new constitution.

I do not impose any constitution on myself. With the new constitution, I will no longer work with you as president. Calm down! ”

Lukashenko said in a meeting with the staff of the Minsk No. 6 Training Hospital.

In controversial circumstances, Lukashenko most likely became the sixth president of Belarus by fraud. Since his election on August 9, protests against the president have been regular in Minsk, with protesters, who are brutally abused by the Belarusian authorities, demanding Lukashenko’s resignation and new elections. However, he refused to resign and promised unnamed constitutional reforms. He has repeatedly claimed that the movements are led by “Western puppets” from abroad. In this context, he mentioned Poland and Lithuania several times.

As he said on Friday, he will never allow anyone to “falsify or perhaps cheat the elections” using the new constitution. He also referred to proposals that parliamentary elections be held on the basis of a party list and consequently parties be established. According to the president, this would create divisions in society and lead to the emergence of different interest groups. “But if they want it and the people vote for it, so be it,” BelTA said in a report by the Belarusian state news agency.

Why? Well, because the people of Belarus have to go the way they want to go. Better now, without war, but worse if this war is imposed on us. “

He explained.

The president also stated that the Belarusian State Security (KGB) had presented him with evidence that Poland had interfered in the internal politics of Belarus and provided support to the opposition. He also read some documents about the relationship and plans of Western politicians with the events in Belarus. He also cited statements by Polish statesmen, which he claimed to have received from the secret services. According to them, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said, among other things, that “the future of Belarus is of fundamental importance for Warsaw” and also stated that “Poland has taken many concrete steps to support the Belarusian revolution.”

In the words of Lukashenko, “in Warsaw, they closely followed the events in Belarus and tried to create an artificial crisis in the country.”

Lukashenko, as he said, shared this information to help people understand their mood and actions, “and for some to appreciate their own actions.”

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It has been going on for a hundred days, but the wave of protests in Belarus is coming to an end

András Németh

The internal political crisis in Belarus, which erupted due to the fraudulent presidential elections on August 9, is likely to continue for some time, but the identities of the protagonists are changing. The opposition protests are on the brink of extinction, with the fraudulent head of state since 1994, Alexander Lukashenko, no longer fighting the protesters, but Russia: Moscow wants the dissolved ally to be replaced by another credible politician, while Lukashenko wants to buy time.

Cihanouszka announced the largest demonstration to date in Belarus


The opposition would hold Alexander Lukashenko accountable to an international court. A day before, after his official presentation, a protester died from his serious injuries.