Index – National – Asked but not tested, now he is fighting for his life


A 45-year-old man with diabetes and hypertension who asked his doctor last week to test him for a coronavirus infection is still on a ventilator and fighting for his life at Hatvan Hospital, but this did not happen in the end. , RTL reported. Club newsletter. The TV brother-in-law reported the details, including the fact that he had already had two strokes as a man.

He said he went to his GP for fever and malaise. However, because these symptoms did not conform to the protocol issued by the National Center for Public Health to order the test, the doctor did not request a PCR test, only an antibiotic and an analgesic. However, the man’s condition was deteriorating, and although they tried to call an ambulance, for the first time they were advised by the ambulance service to relieve a fever of 39-40 degrees Celsius.

He lost consciousness over the weekend, after which he reached the ambulance at the call of the family doctor and was taken to the hospital on a ventilator. His coronavirus test at the hospital came back positive. Since then, the family has only known about his condition that both of his lungs have collapsed and that he is unwell.

The man’s GP told Blikk that he had acted according to the rules and that he could not be asked to take a fever test alone. However, according to another general practitioner, Ferenc Fodor, who reports to RTL, it would be worth testing for coronavirus even in the case of the slightest suspicion in those with diabetes, lung disease or high blood pressure.

According to EMMI, GPs must always certify themselves in accordance with applicable procedures, but patients are always treated at the GP’s professional discretion.
