The 24-year-old pastor wanted to divert the cattle along the way

The prosecution filed charges against a 24-year-old man who pulled a line on the road near Balatonfenyves, but it was not cattle that were driving, but two cyclists.

In April, the man stretched the bale-tying line to a height of about one meter on a private road not blocked from traffic, and then began herding cattle 30 meters from the road. The cyclists on the road did not notice the obstacle, nor did they hear the cry of the man who was trying to warn them, so when they were brought to the line, both fell and suffered injuries that would heal in eight days.

The prosecution filed an appeal for parole for a crime committed against road safety.

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The man was in a car accident and called for help via Apple Watch

US Hunter Sanner was in a lucky car accident in early October, at the scene of which he called for help with his smartwatch.

Freed carriage horses caused an accident in Keszthely


A runaway four-tooth horse caused an accident in Keszthely on Saturday afternoon, the Zala County Sheriff’s Office said on the police website on Sunday.