Fluor Tomi has lost so much that he is hardly recognized


Unlike many, the quarantine has had a good effect on Fluor Tom, already in terms of a healthy lifestyle. The rapper has dropped 13 pounds in recent months, now he can hardly be recognized.

The Wellhello president revealed that this is also because she lives as a “fifty-year-old single woman.” What we mean is up to everyone’s imagination, but the truth is that it has achieved the result.

Tomi moves a lot, although now that she has run into obstacles with the closing of the gyms, she nevertheless pays close attention to her diet.

Fluor and Kállay Saunders wrote a joint song Fluor and Kállay Saunders wrote a joint song

Fluor and Kállay Saunders wrote a joint song

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“I just looked back at a documentary and said, was the lighting that bad? (…) Then I realized that I was not so fat on television. It was Friday and I started my diet on Saturday …I dropped a thirteen. This year was great for those things: if there was no longer a festival, at least my organization would be happier with one. I live as a single woman of fifty years. I cook, wash, dishes “

said the rapper on RTL Klub’s Breakfast, where in addition to Fluor’s slim body, viewers were also able to admire Wellhello’s new song. The new video clip was made by the band from the well-known formation Eckü of the Heroes, so you can expect a big bang if you watch it too!

Book Cover: Velvet.hu
