The Hungarian and Polish Prime Ministers issued a joint press release in Budapest: Six points discuss why the veto will be applied in the EU budget debate.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki held a press conference and issued a joint statement. The document analyzes the intention of the two states to apply the EU veto in six points.

“Meeting the Poles is a great thing, for better or for worse. Now we are between the two,” Viktor Orbán said at the event, where journalists were unable to ask questions. According to the Prime Minister, it is an important issue that their countries can maintain their sovereignty while having a great debate with the European Union, the European Commission and the government of the majority of the EU members.

As the disputes could not be concluded in June, Viktor Orbán said that they had given the German presidency and themselves the opportunity to reconcile the different approaches of the member states in the field of crisis management. However, this coherence has not been established, because the proposal linking “crisis management with the issue of the rule of law” remains on the agenda, said Viktor Orbán.

The content of the budget proposal is not acceptable to Hungary, the prime minister said. At the press conference, Orbán quoted the last sentence of the joint statement: “we will join forces and forces in the debate, Hungary will not accept a proposal that would be unacceptable for Poland.”

According to the Hungarian prime minister, the pressure states and their interfaces with the media want to veto the wrong, even though it is a legal tool provided by the basic treaty. According to him, Hungary feels that its fundamental and essential interests are being harmed, so it vetoes it, because it is a patriotic duty.

“This proposal would not create the rule of law, but the rule of the majority,” said Viktor Orbán. He added that he could not allow decisions to be made by simple majority that would affect the life of the Hungarian people.

According to Orbán, this is not a question of money and this debate cannot be resolved with money, because the European Union does not give money, but it would take Hungary in a joint loan. If one Member State cannot pay, the other borrowers should too. Therefore, according to the Prime Minister, Hungary will not suffer a financial loss if it is not included in the rescue package.

According to Viktor Orbán, the debate on the rule of law and crisis management should not be linked, whoever does it is irresponsible, because “adding a political debate to crisis management is a very bad thing.” He believes that the rule of law is not necessary for crisis management.

As Mateusz Morawiecki said, we are faced with a completely new challenge and mechanism, motivated by political decisions and threatening to disintegrate the European Union. According to the Polish prime minister, this is in fact a regulation that provides for the budget, but also touches on completely different things. He reiterated that this was a bad and dangerous solution that could lead to the disintegration of the Union in the future.

According to Morawiecki, such a set of conditions could change the future of the EU, be a “stick” against certain countries and lead to constant debates. According to him, this path could lead to the disintegration of the union, so this logic must be rejected. “The application of the veto could serve as a basic scenario to change the bad dynamics of recent times,” said the Polish prime minister.

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Polish prime minister insists on veto and doesn't even want to hear Von der Leyen's idea


Mateusz Morawiecki rejected the president’s proposal for a judicial review of budget conditionality.

If Orban vetoes, we will lose the EU money for free


Hungary would be very bad if it did not benefit from the European Union Recovery Fund blocked by Viktor Orbán’s veto, as this would not be a loan, but a support, says Péter Virovácz, senior analyst at ING Bank, who until 2016 was a senior employee of the End of Century Economic Research. According to the expert, the government could soon be forced to reduce VAT as well.