Index – Foreigner – Viktor Orbán: The veto was my patriotic duty


Hungary will not accept a proposal that is unacceptable to Poland, Viktor Orbán told a press conference with his Polish colleague Mateusz Morawiecki on Thursday afternoon that the European Union would make the payment of subsidies conditional on respect for the rule of law. The Hungarian prime minister drew attention to the fact that the veto is not a bad thing, but a legal instrument sanctified by the European Union, and if a decision harms the interests of Hungarians, it will also veto.

The joint statement issued after the press conference states that neither Hungary nor Poland will accept a proposal that the other country considers unacceptable.

According to Viktor Orbán, incidentally, the rule of law would not create the rule of law, but rather the rule of the majority. He also indicated that he was in a series of discussions with the European Union (such as migration and gender issues), but could not expose the country to the risk of taking a position that the Hungarian people did not want. It was the patriotic duty of the veto, he added, saying that

Who thinks this is a financial problem is wrong

This debate cannot be resolved with money. Not only because the European Union is really trying to raise funds for the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic on credit, we have to pay our share. We were taking a different risk, said the prime minister.

According to him, the Hungarian position is clear, two things cannot be confused: irresponsible that connects the political debate with the issue of crisis management, the creation of rules related to the rule of law is not necessary to manage the crisis.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said they face a new challenge. The Polish prime minister spoke that the July summit was a success for the whole of Europe, but now the union faces a completely new mechanism, and with this arbitrary mechanism, the entire EU could fall apart, he noted. This regulation applies to the budget while other instruments are imported.

It is not possible for secondary law to circumvent a fundamental right

Said the prime minister.

He also recalled that the German Presidency had not adapted to the agreement reached in July. He highlighted that 27 countries have different legal systems and traditions and this should be appreciated. The right of veto is embedded in the treaties and serves to enable us to pursue our own interests.

Although Hungary and Poland are under attack today, another country may be on the agenda tomorrow

Morawiecki warned.

Mateusz Morawiecki also spoke of the fact that there could be an endless debate on matters of the rule of law, such a system of conditions could be a means to attack other countries. He put it this way: this path could lead to the disintegration of the union.

Morawiecki said that they will be able to convince more and more EU countries of their truth. He cited the former Portuguese foreign minister as an example, who said Poland and Hungary could be right. He emphasized that the unity of the union and the sovereignty of the countries must also be protected, because, as the union says, a community. He added that Poland and Hungary are working for the benefit of the entire union.
