Contents – Foreigner – Ursula von der Leyen: Hungary should not veto, but go to EU courts


According to Ursula von der Leyen, Hungary should defend its position on the rule of law in EU courts, rather than veto the EU budget, writes Reuters.

In his speech to Parliament, the president of the European Commission said that legislation restricting EU money to states that comply with the interests of the rule of law serves to protect the EU budget.

We are concerned only and exclusively with legal violations of the rule of law that endanger the budget of the European Union.

He stressed, adding that in his opinion “it is difficult to imagine someone in Europe having a problem with this principle.”

The committee chairman also asked the governments of Hungary and Poland, which vetoed the EU budget, to resolve their existing dispute over the rule of law in court.

In fact, it is often there that disputes over the interpretation of legal texts are resolved, and not to the detriment of the millions of European citizens who urgently need our help.

He pointed.

Meanwhile, it turned out that there will be a meeting of the Hungarian-Polish prime minister in Budapest on Thursday. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is scheduled to hold talks with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Thursday, Bertalan Havasi, head of the Prime Minister’s Press Office, confirmed to the MTI.

The first to report on the meeting was the Polish EU Representation in Brussels on Twitter. He stated that the multiannual financial framework (MFF) is expected to be on the agenda of the Budapest negotiations, as Poland and Hungary want to coordinate their negotiating positions on the EU budget.
