The number of deaths from coronavirus jumped in October


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The increase in the number of deaths is not surprising, as a similar picture emerged from the weekly statistics (although less reliable due to its nature). Monthly statistics show an increase of 15% annually, bringing the number of deaths to more than 12,000. The number is historically high, but does not exceed the winter months, which are fraught with a strong influenza pandemic. However, it is worth adding that we are much stronger against the coronavirus, which significantly slows the epidemic. Without it, the death rate would be much higher. The November numbers are expected to paint an even sadder picture.

In October 7984 children were born, 2.3%, 179 newborns more than in October 2019. The annual growth is even more encouraging, although the latest data show a slight decrease in the short term.

As the number of deaths increased more than the number of births, as a result, the monthly natural weight loss was 4,129, an increase of 50% compared to 2,759 in October 2019.

Cover image: Getty images
