He also formally introduced members of the future Biden government.


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Joe Biden has not nominated any new candidate for government other than politicians in his statement Monday. Monday

  • the perspectives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Security, Antony Blinken and Alejandro Mayorkast,
  • John Sullivan, National Security Advisor,
  • Avril Haines is the chief intelligence officer
  • and nominated the future United States Ambassador to the United States, Linda Thomas-Greenfield,
  • and announced the creation of the post of Special Envoy for Climate Action and the appointment of John Kerry to that post.

In a short speech before the politicians’ presentation on Tuesday, Joe Biden emphasized that the United States is “ready to lead the world.” He noted that the composition of the national and foreign security team of his future government

it reflects the fact that America is coming back, not backing down, but ready to lead the world.

However, he stressed that the United States does not play a role in unnecessary conflicts. He stressed that the new US administration is preparing to take on a global leadership role in both the Pacific and Atlantic regions and, in particular, seeks to strengthen US federal relations in Asia and the Pacific.

The future president of the United States stressed the importance of combating climate change.

Biden put it this way: Future members of the government “embody my core values ​​that America is stronger when it works with its allies.” As for the members of the administration, he reaffirmed in his statement the day before that they were all “experienced and former leaders, thinking new and far-sighted, and tirelessly believing in the promise of America.”

Prospective members of the government introduced themselves briefly, and analysts said their sentences also indicated expected changes in US policy.

Antony blink, the possible leader of American diplomacy, spoke about his family, including his Hungarian ancestors, mentioning that his grandfather had found his new homeland on American soil as an immigrant from Russia, and his father had served as a diplomat. The politician’s father, Donald Blinken, now 95, was ambassador to Hungary between 1994 and 1997.

Blinken, 58, said: America was made great by immigration.

The future chancellor has promised international cooperation “to solve the problems of the world.” As he said: the world’s problems cannot be solved alone, the United States must work with other countries. He stressed the importance of cooperation and partnership.

He had a similar vision of immigration. Alejandro Mayorkas, is also a future born in Havana of the Ministry of National Security.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, whom Biden nominated as the United States ambassador to the United Nations, said the United States is returning to a policy of multilateralism and traditional diplomacy. As he said, “America is making a comeback, multilateralism is making a comeback, diplomacy is making a comeback.”

Thomas-Greenfield, an African American, was previously Secretary of State for African Affairs in the State Department during the administration of Democratic President Barack Obama. Referring to his career, he noted that this also proves that the United States is a country of opportunity.

John kerry In his speech, the former secretary of state, who was also a 2004 Democratic presidential candidate like George W. Bush, called on the international community to be “more ambitious” in the fight against climate change.

He explained that the Paris Convention on Climate Protection, signed in 2015, alone is not enough to effectively combat climate change.
