Index – National – DK Petition: Klara Dobrev’s Allies Are Upset


DK, Jobbik, LMP, Momentum, MSZP and Dialogue announced on Sunday that they would launch a joint petition against the veto of Viktor Orbán. By acting together, the parties wanted to send a message to the other EU member states that

Viktor Orbán is not equal to Hungary.

They wanted to strengthen their common position with a signature collection campaign, but first Momentum was ahead of events when it launched the signature collection on its website a few days ago, and then on Saturday Klára Dobrev announced that it would launch a petition. The objective of the DK initiative is for the government to adopt an EU crisis management budget that makes the payment of grants conditional on the rule of law. Both Momentum and DK establish their own action as if it were their own initiative.

Klára Dobrev launches a petition against Viktor Orbán's veto of the EU budget

According to MEP DK, the head of government is more at war with the EU, although we can expect help from there.

Gyurcsány points to something else

The Index knows that Ferenc Gyurcsány defended himself against the other parties by saying that the Democratic Coalition launched its own petition because the Momentum did the same. At the same time, Momentum did not beat the signature collection campaign to a big drum: although his call appeared in a paid advertisement, the signature collection interface can only be found on the party’s website.

The six parties participating in the opposition cooperation wanted to distance themselves from the Hungarian prime minister’s veto. This was partially successful. On November 18, they addressed a joint letter to the President of the European Council and the European Commission, addressed by Ferenc Gyurcsány (DK), Péter Jakab (Jobbik), Erzsébet Schmuck – Máté Kanász-Nagy (LMP), András Fekete-Győr (Momentum ), Ágnes Kunhalmi – Also signed by Bertalan Tóth (MSZP), Tímea Szabó – Gergely Karácsony (Dialogue).

Following the publication of the letter, they began to reconcile the details of the petition with which

they would have been in public on Sunday.

The background to the case is that the six parties allegedly delegated a “data protection commissioner” and wanted to collect signatures on a common interface, but with Momentum and DK launching their own action, the joint position received a geller. This increases mistrust between opposition parties, according to our source.

Viktor Orbán announced last Monday that he would veto the EU budget and the recovery fund. The prime minister informed German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Charles Michel, President of the European Council.

Viktor Orbán: Hungary vetoes EU budget and recovery fund

There is no agreement on anything until there is agreement on everything, the Prime Minister writes in his letter.

(Cover image: Klára Dobrev. Photo: István Huszti / Index)
