The coronavirus is already present in 91 percent of settlements, and according to sewer data, the number of infected people is expected to increase in five large cities.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than many expected, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections a day had been identified and the number of deaths from the virus mostly ranged from 50 to 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss began the operation’s press conference on Tuesday, outlining the shopping time zone for the elderly, which was announced by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Monday. In other words, starting on Tuesdays every working day there will be a shopping bar for the elderly between 09:00 and 11:00, and on weekends between 08:00 and 10:00.

Kiss also added that store operators are responsible for complying with the rules.

The lieutenant colonel then continued with the official measures, noting that in 294 cases measures were taken for infringement of the mask use regulations, in 260 cases the pertinent regulations of cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants were not complied with.

In public transport and shops, 34 people were prosecuted for violating epidemiological regulations. The lieutenant colonel highlighted two cases. Makón was inspecting a pub, where guests were eating and drinking when the police appeared. The pub was closed for 31 days. In Kelemér, an offense was also found in an espresso: a game contest was held, where alcohol was also consumed. This place has also been closed. A total of 324 people were indicted yesterday for violating the curfew.

The national medical director, Cecília Müller, presented the daily data: she said that another 3,929 people had been diagnosed with the coronavirus infection in Hungary, increasing the number of infected people identified since the beginning of the epidemic to 181,881. The number of active infections is 133,853 and the virus is already present in 91 percent of our settlements.

The number of active infected persons is 29,240 in Budapest, 19,191 in Pest county, 9,124 in Győr-Moson-Sopron, 7056 in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, 6846 in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, 6719 in Hajdú-Bihar, 6133 in Bács-Kiskun in Vaszpron, 5430 in Veszpron. In Csongrád-Csanád 4495, in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 4160, in Fejér 4123, in Békés 3822, in Baranya 3797, in Heves 3596, in Komárom-Esztergom 3583, in Nógrád 3382, in Zala 3360, in Somognay 1972 2423

Cecília Müller also said that 117 chronic patients, mostly elderly, had died, thus increasing the number of victims of the epidemic in Hungary to 4,008. The age distribution of the deceased ranges between 33 and 101 years. There are currently 7,598 coronavirus patients in the hospital, 638 on ventilators.

Regarding the shopping time zone for the elderly, the chief physician suggested that people over 65 use those two hours a day to shop when they can only be in stores, because this is how they can avoid more infections.

Müller also described the wastewater data. Based on the measurements from week 47, the concentration of coronavirus hereditary material in wastewater increased in Békéscsaba, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Salgótarján and Székesfehérvár, so the number of infections may increase here in the near future. The medical director also gave good news: the concentration decreased slightly in Kecskemét and Szolnok.

Journalism Questions:

A Kisalföld Did you wonder what the first data showed in the peer-educator tests? Cecília Müller said that the results will be presented weekly, so we still have to wait for her.

Nógrád County Newspaper: reported a well-known musician (no name, but this is Majka) that he still had a positive test result but was discharged. What quarantine rules apply to it? Müller said he was glad his condition had improved and he was able to return home. He said it has become a symbol of the hard work that healthcare workers do. According to Müller, if someone no longer needs hospital care, they can go home. Follow-up occurs after hospitalization and, in some cases, can be positive for a long time. The doctor can decide if it is still necessary to remain in quarantine or, if it is asymptomatic, on day 21.

The question has also been raised of how many healthcare workers have been infected so far. According to Cecília Müller, we are doing well compared to international data: they represent 2.6 percent of all infections.

The press conference closed with the question of We wanted to know if a further adjustment was necessary in light of the current figures. According to Müller, in addition to numbers, more data or circumstances are analyzed. The operating strain monitors changes, the dynamics of virus spread, and all other factors. The tribe makes a proposal to the government, who decides what to do next. The medical director added that decisions on restrictions will be reviewed at tomorrow’s government meeting.

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Coronavirus: 117 dead, 3,929 newly infected
At home

The number of deaths from the epidemic exceeded 4,000.

There may be a difference of tens of thousands of guilders between the extra money of the nurses caring for coronavirus patients
At home

The Hungarian Chamber of Health Professionals knows of a specialist who received sick pay for coronavirus infection only several months later.