Index – Hungary – Cecília Müller: technical students also participate in tests in addition to medical students


The coronavirus is already confirmed in 91 percent of our settlements. This was stated by the national chief physician at a press conference of the operative tribe. Cecília Müller emphasized that

The fact that the amount of hereditary virus material measured in the wastewater clearly shows the expected change in the number of infected people was confirmed.

More ascending numbers can be expected based on the results of the week 47 measurement, however

maybe no longer exponentially

He said.



In the last day The new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in 3,929 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people identified since the start of the epidemic to 181,881, but 133,853 of them are currently registered as active patients.. The age of the 117 chronic patients who died shows a wider range than before:

the youngest deceased was 33 years old and the oldest was 101 years old.

The infection mainly affects the capital and Pest county, where there are 29,000 and 19,000 active infections, respectively, while Tolna County has the most favorable data, where only 1972 cases were detected.

The examinations are carried out continuously, involving not only medical students but also students from technical universities, said the medical director, adding that the latter are not involved in sampling but in the delivery of samples, which it means they drive vehicles to the labs.

There are also educator tests, which is not mandatory, but allows all employees of educational institutions, so not only teachers. When asked by a journalist, Cecília Müller said that Hungary is well on the way to infecting health workers: while in other countries it is 10-15 percent, in Hungary it is

only 2.6 percent of those infected are healthcare workers,

which shows that they are doing their job very carefully, for which they are very grateful anyway, he emphasized. the chief physician.
