A mysterious metal pillar was found in the middle of nowhere in the Utah desert.


Helicopter Highway Police found a mysterious metal pole in the Utah desert in the middle of nowhere. They landed to take a closer look, but they still didn’t know any more about it.

Each year, the Utah Highway Police helps state guards inspect wildlife. As wild sheep were being counted from a helicopter on Friday, a strange shape was spotted in the middle of a rocky desert, the Idaho Statesman news portal reported.

Police landed to take a closer look at the triangular metal pole sticking out of the ground, but they learned nothing more about it than from the air. The part of the column that protrudes from the ground can be about three meters, and it is speculated that the underground part can be 50 to 60 centimeters.

Did you know that @utahdpsaerobureau helps @utahdwr count bighorn sheep every year? During the count they came …

Posted by Utah Highway Patrol on Friday, November 20, 2020

After the photos of the mystery column were released, people began to speculate. Most, of course, suspect aliens deep down. However, there are those who believe that in 2020 it would be better not to raise the issue again, because this year, surely, something terrible would come out.

Many have noted that the spine and its surroundings are very similar. Stanley Kubrick 2001: Space duel to one of the locations from his 1968 film.

Bret hutchings The pilot told a news reporter for a local television station that this was the strangest thing he had ever seen. Authorities did not reveal the exact location of the column because they did not want people to get lost and get into trouble while searching for the column.
