Index – Domestic – Majka was discharged from the hospital


After eleven days, Majka was released from Balassagyarmat hospital. The rapper, lying in the hospital while writing a reevaluated thing or two, “I have to say I’m lucky to have so many friends,” drew the consequences of the past.

One of them firmly brought the food that his wife prepared for me, while the other kept the soul within me, which I sometimes thought was an almost impossible task. Anyway, I am not a simple patient, but when a person is trapped at this level by disease, there is a great need for those who can get the shit out over and over again every day. I learned that I didn’t have to worry about it

The rapper said in his Facebook post.

He also wrote positively about the hospital staff – he would hug them one by one.

It was very comforting to experience such health care professionals often injured and kicked.

Since March, these people have been under tremendous pressure and deserve great respect, as they “push” a 12-hour shift a day and can only remove their protective gear once when eating, drinking, or simply going to the bathroom.

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Majka also points out that he was lying on the bed in which the mayor of Balassagyarmat had been cared for.

She also shit 10 days ago. We talked about how next time I would like to have unshared hospitable memories of Balassagyarmat.

The rapper was hospitalized on November 9 for the coronavirus, by the way. Since then, he has reported on his status in live videos. Over the weekend, the critic of the epidemic also criticized György Gődény. Health manager Gabriella Lantos said Majka would deserve a Kossuth award because she provided better information about the coronavirus in her videos than the operative strain.
