Now there could be serious problems with Trump still not letting go


Joe Biden has already been forced to request a donation to complete the acquisition, which has been hampered by the Trump administration, as the coronavirus epidemic continues to decline in the US.

I voted for it twice, but the elections have consequences and we cannot continue to act like nothing,

Said in an interview with ABC TV Chris Christie, one of the most persistent supporters of the outgoing president of the United States. The former governor of the state of New Jersey was tough Donald trump lawyers, who have been characterized by the fact that their actions put the United States in an uncomfortable position because although they claim to have evidence of electoral fraud, they do not present it.

The country is the most important. As much as he is a Republican and loves the party, the country comes first.

Christie’s outrage is understandable, especially knowing that Trump’s campaign team suffered another serious defeat this weekend when a federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed her lawsuit that sought to invalidate 6.8 million votes. He has previously held important positions in the Republican Party. Matthew brann Judge Trump wrote that Trump’s legal team filed an inconsistent lawsuit with no actual legal arguments or material evidence. Brann withdrew the lawsuit on the condition that it could no longer be filed, although Rudy giuliani and his colleagues promised to take the case to the Supreme Court.

Bidets are forced to raise money

The fact that Trump is still unwilling to admit defeat is also embarrassing because he has to relinquish control in less than two months. Joe biden which is a very complex task. As we wrote in a previous article, four million people work for the federal government, alongside soldiers and reservists. Of these, four thousand are politically appointed, that is, when a new president enters the White House, they are replaced, and 1,200 of them are positions that require a national security review and conflict of interest.


In contrast, the government body overseeing the handover, the General Services Administration (GSA), remains reluctant to acknowledge the outcome of the presidential elections, making it difficult not only to turn over the cases, but also financially damaging the new staff. President. Millions of dollars are available in the transition budget, of which, for example, experts could be paid to consult with the outgoing government and various federal agencies on current issues so that the new cabinet can work from day one. who takes office.

While, however Emily murphy, the director of the GSA does not formally salute Joe Bident as president-elect of the United States, they also do not receive the money, so the Democrats are forced to cover these costs with donations. $ 10 million has been raised in recent months, but they are still waiting for help, now mostly from smaller donors.

However, there is a problem that money cannot solve either: until the GSA recognizes Bident as a winner, he and his team will not be able to participate in secret government meetings, although it is common practice for presidents-elect before they take office. The danger is now obvious to many: On Monday, a group of Republican experts on national security wrote in a letter urging Trump party politicians to pressure the president to accept the election result because the current situation presents serious risks to national security.

There is already a fan, the man is not very

This kind of procrastination would jeopardize the country’s operations every election year, but now that the coronavirus epidemic is at its peak in the United States, it is particularly dangerous. On November 22, more than 141,000 new cases were reported, the trend is increasing and the number of deaths has already exceeded 256,000; an average of 1,200 new deaths per day is recorded. Hospitals are running out of space and healthcare workers are exhausted. Although in spring the problem was that there were not enough fans, now the difficulty is that there is no machine in the warehouses to operate.

Photo: Go Nakamura / Getty Images / AFP

And the situation may soon get worse: according to tradition, Americans spend their Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November (this time at 26) with their family, where relatives who live further away are also. This year, the professionals asked everyone to celebrate only with those who live in the same home as them, thus reducing the number of gatherings.

However, more than a million people traveled by air on November 20 alone, the second highest number since March.

Although it is reported that the use of the Covid-19 vaccine may even begin in the US In mid-December, the stagnant or potentially high number of infections during the holidays could pose a large burden not only for medical care but also for the next Biden government. Although the president-elect has already assembled a team of 12 experts to analyze the situation of the epidemic, access to official government resources would be of great help for normal preparation.

Some executions, some layoffs

So far, Trump has not really recognized that the situation of the epidemic in the country is critical, although he wrote in a Twitter message the other day attacking the media and criticizing that the epidemic has been unleashed not only in the United States but in other countries. countries of the world. However, the president did not attend the online discussion about the G20 pandemic over the weekend and preferred to go golfing. Additionally, Christmas celebrations are also held at the White House.

In other areas, however, the president and the outgoing government of the United States are quite active. After a seventeen-year hiatus, the execution of death sentences for federal crimes was resumed in July this year. Since then, seven prisoners have been executed and the Justice Department plans to execute three more convicts in the remaining weeks of Trump’s cabinet. The urgency is necessary because Joe Biden has previously announced that, if elected, he will re-suspend the death penalty for those sentenced to death in federal prison. (This does not apply to sentences handed down by individual states.)

Trump also made less drastic but quite eloquent decisions. Squeezed a week after the election, he was fired Mark Esper Secretary of Defense and replaced the Pentagon Secretary of State for Political Planning and Secretary of State for Intelligence. He was also fired two weeks after the presidential election. Christopher Krebset, the director of the Electoral Infrastructure and Cybersecurity Agency of the Ministry of National Security, who previously stated that there was no evidence of electoral fraud.

Featured image: Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images / AFP
