In a matter of moments, the image turned around, on which the grass was apparently covered with asphalt.

Over the weekend, the image began to spread out, taken in a section of Highway 85 and showing tarmac where hot asphalt was being poured onto an apparently unprepared area of ​​grass. Incidentally, the original of the image was published by a member of parliament from Sopron and its region in connection with the imminent completion of the road, but a member of the Sopron opposition has already shared it by expressing their outrage.

The owner of the investment, Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő (NIF) Zrt., Also spoke out due to the recording that caused a great response on social networks. “Contrary to the news that has come to light on Facebook, the M85 motorway will be built to the appropriate quality if road construction regulations are followed,” the NIF statement states.

That is, according to this, the picture shows a truly accepted technological procedure, in contrast to the half decalcified cat.

As it is written, the vegetated part is located in the dividing lane of the road, the asphalt part is an operational entrance gate between the right and left side of the 2×2 lane road. It was built with the same material as the base of the entire structure of the road. However, this section has been strewn with humus and grass, and the strip railings are also placed here. The photograph was taken right at the construction boundary of the entrance gate of said plant during the construction of its top layer of asphalt.

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They half unloaded a cat in the county of Bács-Kiskun

The animal was left under the fresh asphalt layer during the renovation of one of the sections of the road.

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