The world could take a big turn if Antony Blinken becomes America’s new foreign minister


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Both Bloomberg and the New York Times have been informed that Joe Biden is nominating Antony Blinken for the post of Secretary of State. This could be announced on Tuesday when the presidential candidate nominates members of his government. The 58-year-old candidate, Joe Biden, is a man of background and was also his foreign policy adviser on the current campaign. Blinken’s mother was Hungarian, his father, whose second wife was also Hungarian, was ambassador to Budapest between 1994 and 97.

They are considered moderate, perhaps also accepted by the Republicans, but one can be sure that American foreign policy is facing tremendous changes.

European american

Blinken, 58, had a fairly fluid path in diplomacy. After her parents divorced, she moved to Paris with her mother and her new husband, where she also attended high school. He received his undergraduate education from Harvard and later earned a law degree from Columbia. He joined the State Department during the presidency of Bill Clinton, then as Obama’s deputy national security adviser, and between 2015 and 2017 as undersecretary of state.

Antony Blinken at a gala dinner in 2015 in Virginia.Photo: MLADEN ANTONOV / AFP

Blinken will have a lot to do after four years of Donal Trump. The outgoing president has canceled many alliances that the Biden administration would have restored anyway, and Blinken has expressed that he would also resume negotiations with Iran.

His internationality and broad horizons are urgently needed now in an America somewhat isolated thanks to Trump. Robert Malley, head of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group, who was a high school classmate, said Blinken believed in American values ​​during their joint school years, but also understood how American politics affects the rest of the world.

Blinken would in fact be one of the most European-American foreign ministers and, through his family, he is linked to a thousand threads here, especially in Paris and Hungary.

His mother, Judith Pisar, was Hungarian and devoted almost her entire life to cultivating transatlantic cultural relationships. On what it was like to grow up with him, suffice it to say, perhaps, that the North American and European branches of avant-garde art practically met in his apartment. A world-renowned architect, Philip Johnson, spoke of Tisar as “America’s cultural empress in Europe.”

Her husband, Blinken’s stepfather, the famous lawyer Samuel Pisar, was also born in Poland, Europe. It wasn’t long, but he survived the Holocaust, being rescued from the country by his aunt in Paris. After studying in Australia, he also graduated from Harvard and the Sorbonne. He had many celebrities as his client, including Hollywood stars.

Samuel Pisar once said that Blinken wanted to know what had happened to him in Poland and he told him. “I think it opened another dimension for him, he saw that world differently and everything that could happen here. When you are concerned about chemical weapons in Syria today, it is almost inevitable that you also think about the gas that destroyed my entire family, ”said Pisar.

His father, Donald Blinken, also graduated from Harvard, working as a financial investor, fund manager. He supported Bill Clinton’s campaign and, in 1994, he was appointed ambassador to Budapest. His wife, Vera, practically returned home at that time, because she was born here, fleeing communism on an adventure trip in 1949 with her mother to the United States. The couple did a lot in Hungary to develop, to facilitate the democratization processes after the regime change. In 2015, the CEU Open Society Archive (OSA) received a large donation from them, thanks to which the archive now bears their name.

Evan Ryan, her husband, Antony Blinken, Vera Blinken, Joe Biden and Donald Blinken at a 2017 gala dinner.Photo: Mike Coppola / AFP

So Blinken sees the world quite differently than Mike Pompeo or Donald Trump.

Correct what you can

Joe Biden has repeatedly emphasized that he wants to put a heavy emphasis on foreign policy, and presumably believes that Blinken is in the best position to restore America’s reputation.

The presidential candidate plans to bring the country back to the Paris Climate Agreement, stop leaving the WHO, and reopen the nuclear deal with Iran.

Blinken generally considers himself a moderate centrist, but has occasionally supported intervention. He once stood up to Biden when the military intervened in Libya, and in Obama’s time he was one of those who urged him to intervene in Syria. It didn’t happen, which hurt deeply. Then he said they failed, did not protect people’s lives, and did not prevent millions of people from leaving their homes. “It’s something I’m going to wear for the rest of my life,” he said.

Blinken plays soccer regularly, loves to play guitar, and even uploaded two of his own songs to Spotify. He considers his environment to be an exceptionally polite and kind man who sees the world much more openly than his compatriots and most American politicians.

His arrival could also have a major impact on US immigration policy, which was unleashed quite a bit in the Trump era. Shortly after that he could be the Secretary of State was leaked, a 2016 video speaking to Grover from Sesame Street began circulating on social media. The theme is how the children receive their companions from distant lands who come to their school. Blinken’s approach to the issue is radically different from that of the Trump administration, which separates illegal immigrants from their children.

“We can all learn something from each other, even if at first it seems like we don’t have much in common,” he explains. on video.

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