Firefighters marched to Well Valley Hospital with great force


Eleven fire trucks and police also marched to the Kútvölgyi Hospital in Budapest on Sunday afternoon, a colleague of Magyar Hang said at the scene. According to his report, the fire fighting units in Hegyvidék in the XI. and II. district. Smoke was detected on the fifth floor. At the windows, green-clad health workers could be seen waiting in the hallway to put out the smoke.

Photo: MTI Photo / Márton Mónus

Coronavirus testing was suspended when firefighters arrived.

Spokesperson for the Metropolitan Directorate for Disaster Management. Máté Kisdi told the newspaper that there was light smoke from the opening of a service tunnel on the fifth floor, which was suppressed with hand-held fire extinguishers.

The incident took place in an empty room, there was no need to remove hospitalized patients from the building. The spokesperson added that experts are investigating the origin of the smoke.

(The news was not mentioned on the disaster management website or the MTI news service until late evening.)
