Index – Abroad – Christmas is coming, the relays arrive in France


The French government will gradually lift the general quarantine imposed by the coronavirus epidemic in three steps by January 2021, government spokesman Gabriel Attal said in an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche on Sunday.

The mitigations will be implemented in three stages depending on the evolution of the epidemic and the risks of related activities: first around December 1, then before the end of the year holidays and finally starting in January 2021.

The government spokesman said.

He confirmed that due to the relief of the epidemic, trading could resume within a week from Christmas, after December is one of the most important periods in terms of sales.

For the third day, the spread of the epidemic in France slows down

To the surprise of the French, the number of hospital admissions was reduced with milder restrictions than in the spring, but there are still many new infections.

Catering units, which authorities consider the most vulnerable places in terms of spreading the virus, have yet to open and curfew restrictions would remain in place for the time being, writes MTI.

However, the trains will be running at full capacity as of December 14, and tickets can also be booked, from which it can be concluded that from that moment on, the abandonment ban can be lifted.

In a televised speech Tuesday night, French President Emmanuel Macron outlines what restrictions can be lifted.

Above all, the president wants to eliminate uncertainty and create predictability for the coming weeks.

There is nothing worse than insecurity and the feeling that the mood will never end

The President of the Republic told the newspaper.

Dear Santa, not just the Amazon!

French public figures have issued a petition in defense of local bookstores and small national online stores.

The government spokesman also indicated that France had signed contracts with three vaccine manufacturers, negotiations were well “advanced” with three others and was negotiating with others, “for an average of 30 million vaccines per contract.” Making vaccination mandatory divides French politicians, a spokesman said a decision could be made later.
