Putin revealed why he did not congratulate Biden


Russia’s congratulations to the winner of the US presidential elections, not intentionally, but pending the completion of the official process, Vladimir Putin said in a statement broadcast on Sunday by the Rossiya 1 television channel.

“Purely formal things must be done, in accordance with established practice and the legal aspects of the case. There are no ulterior motives, no unusual considerations or anything that could serve as a basis for further deterioration of our relations,” the Russian president told Moscow . Kremlin. Putin magazine program.

“We have respect for everyone: President-elect Trump and the candidate for office, Mr. Biden. Therefore, we have no problem here,” he added. He reiterated that Moscow was ready to cooperate with any elected elect of the American people.

“But who has received this trust must be appointed according to customary political law when one party recognizes the victory of the other, or it must be revoked by a legitimate legal method, reversing the final result,” Putin told the MTI.

He added: Moscow is simply waiting for the internal political opposition to end. When asked if Russia is not afraid that its silence will ruin the bilateral relationship, while the leaders of the other countries have already congratulated it, Putin said: “The broken relationship can no longer be ruined.” He recalled that after the previous elections, everyone congratulated Hillary Clinton while Donald Trump assumed the presidency.

According to the Russian leader, the legitimacy of the American elections must be decided by the Americans themselves. He noted that it is clear to everyone that there are problems with the American electoral system. In this regard, he mentioned that the candidate who obtained the most votes in the national vote may be below the vote of the electoral body and that a distance must be maintained between the tellers and the inspectors. But it is up to the Americans to decide if that is the right thing for them, “he added.” We are always opposed to interfering in our internal affairs. In fact, the Americans are doing the same, “Putin said.
