Index – Culture – The epidemic situation is when the actor also presents himself as a food messenger


The actress Pájer Alma Virág, a puppet actress, complements her income as a food delivery person and, according to her, that is the order of the world. I mean, if the order of the world is upset, an actor will also have to look for an extension that helps him build a reserve in difficult times. In addition to rehearsals, because although live performances in front of an audience are now prohibited by decree, the background work does not stop at any theater workshop, it is time to work as a food messenger for several shifts.

He prefers the afternoon shift more, because then there are more titles, then there are more jatt. How do you say:

theater, art is something spiritual, physical, of the nervous system, here I shoot.

All this is heard in the program recorded by two actors, Gergely Csiby and László Józan, and the Rózsavölgyi Hall. The actors became reporters at the time of the epidemic and now ask their fellow artists how they are passing the weeks and months that have led not only the spectators but also the theatrical profession, the artists, to a situation of coercion .

Pokorny Lia on the show draws attention to the fact that in today’s world, when not only the epidemic but also global warming is a constant problem, it should be noted that

no one exists like a lone wolf in the world, and problems don’t have to be solved overnight alone.

The program features fresh Pro Urbe Budapest award winner Zsófia Zimányi, founder and artistic director of the Rózsavölgyi Salon, who said she could not have received the prestigious recognition without the artists.

The conversation with Péter Ágoston also reveals what it means in the life of an actor to have a theatrical closure at the end of rehearsals, and that

how much can you talk about while walking a dog,

even if it is only 500 meters from the apartment.

(Cover image: Pájer Alma Virág in the role of Peacock Eye in the rehearsal for Sándor Weöres’s play Moonboat at the Budapest Puppet Theater on October 1, 2019. Photo: Márton Mónus / MTI)
