Majka, infected with coronavirus, reports every day from the hospital, where she now spends her 16th day. The rapper thoroughly stirred the stagnant water, and more recently admitted the skeptic György Gődény of the coronavirus.
He sent this to the virus critic who burns masks while the rapper had blood drawn.
However, Majka is also constantly reporting on her own condition, and this issue was also raised in ATV Civil on the Track. Indeed, the health manager Gabriella Lantos was by the musician’s side and at the same time toasted the head of the operational team, Cecilia Müller, and her office.
This man did everything that Cecília Müller’s office had to do. I would give this man a Kossuth award because no one did, but no one did enough to spread the word about Covid as widely as this man.
Gabriella Lantos declared.
The government should have asked for double the vaccine, experts say.