George Clooney talked about his new movie in an interview when he suddenly complained


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George Clooney seems to draw inspiration for his films from political news, at least that’s what he alluded to in an interview when he talked about his latest film. In an interview with the YouTube channel of GQ magazine, the actor and director talks about the most memorable roles of his career, and at the end he mentions the movie The Midnight Sky, of which he is also a director and star. And this is where Orban came into the picture. Meg Bolsonaro.

The film, which will premiere on Netflix at the end of December, is a somewhat post-apocalyptic science fiction in which Clooney plays a scientist alone at the North Pole and has to warn a team of astronauts about something very catastrophic. All of this will happen in the not too distant future, in 2049. Towards the end of the interview (after 30 minutes), Clooney talks about it the mood of the film was determined by the anger and hatred that everyone experienced around the world, “look at Bolsonaro in Brazil or Orban in Hungary”According to him, if this characterizes our world now, in 30 years it could easily lead to a world in which the film takes place (which is not as well known as it is because the film has not yet been released, but it is not good, safe).

Clooney and his wife, human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, often speak out on political issues and clamor for what can be said to be liberal. The actor had previously launched a campaign to find out who was getting rich from armed conflicts in Africa, and his wife welcomed Iraqi refugees to her home and provided further support for the 2018 American protests demanding greater gun control. .

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