Medical Chamber: It is a misunderstanding that they would draw a lottery among patients


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“The medical room would decide people’s lives by lottery. Maybe they would call a notary to throw the money away, ”Magyar Nemzet wrote this week, citing Minister Miklós Kásler, who does not support the epidemiological ethics guidelines of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK), citing the Hippocratic oath.

Rita Lénárd, vice president of the MOK, on ​​Club Radio, denied and described as a misinterpretation that people’s lives were decided by lottery. The document was released in the spring so that if hospitals were crowded due to the epidemic, they could organize care according to clear principles. This is based on the fact that if the situation is so dire that a choice must be made between life and life, preference should be given to those with the highest probability of survival.

“There are recommendations for the worst case all over the world, such are the rules of the profession. Even in the case of a massive accident, the doctors of the ambulance service often have to classify their care, the same happens in the emergency services with a slightly different bet and not to such an extent, ”said Lénárd.

The draw is the last resort, with zero probability, according to him, that no distinction can be made between two patients. “This recommendation was only meant to be practical, and it was considered the last resort. So there is no doubt that they want to decide by lottery, it is a very precise method and developed for a long time. “

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